Saturday, February 14, 2009

link building

Link Popularity
Link popularity is one of the best ways to quantify and independently measure website's online awareness and overall visibility. Simply put, link popularity refers to the total number of links or "votes" that a search engine has found for your website.
cyberThink Link popularity development program is a long-term strategy to obtain non-paid link partnerships from relevant websites. Link popularity is fast becoming one of the highest weighed criteria used in ranking websites in the search engines and compliments Natural Search Engine Optimization initiative.
Benefits of Link Building
  • More Targeted Traffic To Your Web Site
  • Higher Rankings in the Search Engines
  • Increased Sales
  • Increase Google Page Rank Of Your Website
Link Building Procedure
Step -1
We identify the sites suitable to your site content and shortlist the sites suitable for link exchange. Then we collect the needed details such as URL, Title and Description of partner sites, design the link pages to match your sites look and feel. The uniqueness of our service is we do not employ any directory structure or will the link pages look different from the site. The link pages will look like the integral part of the site. Each category of links will have a separate. htm file with all the links of your standard website pages. Once we get the approval for the design from you we upload the pages at your site. We then send individual and personal email to the webmaster /siteadmin with the link of their site and asking him to link back to your site. Every email is personalized and sent individually.
Step -2
After we send the email request for link we wait for one week to get the reply from administrators of the linking site and if there is no response we will send another reminder mail. Once we get the positive reply and the URL of the link to the (your) site, we will ok the link if it satisfies the below conditions and present it to you in a neat report with exact URL, PR details etc. If there is no response within 10 days we remove the link from the link pages and do a cleanup on the next update.
The Links Will Satisfy The Following
  • Inbound links from websites with PageRank 2 (PR2) and higher
  • The links will be in GOOGLE CACHE
  • The link pages will allow spiders to crawl
  • Static hyperlinks only from static pages or home page of the other web sites
  • Reach links from the home page within 2 to 3 clicks
  • No Links from porn, hate, racism, casino sites. Web rings or link programs
  • Each link from unique domain name
  • No links on doorway, redirect sites "no follow attribute or other robot tags, spam FFA, guest books, links farms, Actual websites only, no free-hosting personal websites (e.g. Geocities) or discussion forums, orphan or doorway pages links
  • Max 50 links on a page
  • English language sites only
  • No links on popup, pop-under style windows
  • No links on Blogs or RSS/XML feeds

Search Engine & Directory Submission

Search Engine & Directory Submission

Search Engine Submission
cyberThink provides top of the line website search engine submission services. We get your website registered with all the major search engines, including Yahoo!, Google, MSN, AOL, AltaVista, AllTheWeb, Excite, Lycos and many others. Search engine submission is very important for getting an online success for your website. Your excellently designed website will never see significant traffic unless it is registered on the major search engines.

We analyze every website prior to submission so that any website feature that can prevent it from getting registered is previously taken care of. Also, the Meta tags are optimized to make sure that the crawlers recognize your website well. Finally we handle and confirm all the verification emails form the search engines.
Directory Submission
Directory submission involves submitting the URL of a web site or web pages to the editorial listings of general and vertical directories for inclusion in their search index. Directories employ human editors to review web sites submissions and have those editors edit site titles and description summaries and place these pages in categories that are relevant to them. Web site listings appear on the directory result pages when the users of those directories perform search queries on keywords embedded in the titles and summary descriptions of the web site
General Directories
Submission to directories require research to determine the most appropriate categories that apply to the submitted page content, as well as the composition of keyword-rich titles and summary descriptions compatible with the editorial guidelines of the directory. Page titles and summary descriptions written in the "style" of the directory editor have a greater chance of being accepted with minimal or no editing.

All major general directories, except for Open Directory and many 2nd tier directories, follow the paid inclusion model. In return for the paid inclusion fee editor's review newly submitted sites for a possible inclusion in the directory. Most sites that comply with the editorial guidelines and have good content are usually accepted.
Search Engine & Directory Submission Services Include the Following
  • Analyzing the directories to determine in which categories competitors are listed and what type of descriptions their sites have
  • Identifying the appropriate directory categories for your web site
  • Confirmation of Keywords to be Optimized
  • Review and fix broken links and other errors that may hinder submission of the web site
  • Determine the keywords to be included in the page titles and site summary descriptions
  • Compose titles and site summary descriptions for your site, according to the directory's submission guidelines
  • Submission of the web site to Yahoo, ODP and a large number of second-tier directories
  • Verify that the web site has been accepted into the correct category and follow up with editors to reverse any changes to the listings that deem inconsistent with your marketing goals